Take care of yourself cause one day Harry and Louis wants to see you.
drink enough watereat proper healthy dishlisten to some new musictake a deep breathe, it's gonna be okaygo for a walk in early morningwatch a sunrise or sunsetdon't do everything just because you want to fit in, do it because it makes you comfortabledo your homework / jobdon't rush things, take it slow, do what you can
it's ok to not do it all, it might take a while but you'll get there.

Can't sleep? here's light yoga exercise you can do to get you sleep.



serving : two
time : 25 minutes

2 chicken breastsparma ham slicessoft cheese - light (healthier), normal, full or even halloumi (cyprus cheese), goats cheese, mozzarella etc.thyme or oreganopepper and salt 2-3 table spoons full cooking oilgarlic and/or chilli flakesmashed potato :
yukon gold/russets potatoesbuttermilkgarlicherbs
place the breast flat on the cutting board and carefully cut it half way down length ways. do not cut all the way your choice of cheese in the central area and fold over the breast to its original position again. you can mix herbs here together with the cheese if you wish. wrap the ham / smoked beef over the chicken and basically roll it so it is completely wrapped like in a cocoon place on a foil base dish.add a small amount of oil, 2-3 table spoons, dampen. the parma ham should keep it moist enough too.cover all over with thyme or herbs of your choiceadd pepper and a sprinkle of salt if you wish alsoplace in a pre heated oven 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6 and bake them in the oven for 20-25 mins or until the chicken is cooked through.allow to rest for a couple of minsmashed potatoes :
peel your potatos, cut it in big chunksboil your water, put 2 cloves of garlic and salt in the water and put in your potatoes. leave it for 10-12 mins.strain it, mash it then add butter and turn on the heat again. put in milk and mix until it's all combined.serve it while it's warm


servings : 2
time : 30 minutes

for gravy :
3 Tbsp cornstarch2 Tbsp water6 Tbsp unsalted butter1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour20 oz beef broth10 oz chicken brothPepper, to tasteFor Deep Fried Fries:
2 potion of frozen potatoesfrying oilToppings:
1 - 1 1/2 cups white cheddar or mozarella cheese curds
Prepare the gravy: In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the water and set aside.In a large saucepan, melt the butter. Add the flour and cook, stirring regularly, for about 5 minutes, until the mixture turns golden brown.Add the beef and chicken broth and bring to a boil, stirring with a whisk. Combine cornstarch and water and put in the broth.. If you'd like your gravy thicker, add a more of the cornstarch mixture, in small increments, as needed, to thicken. Season with pepper. Taste and add additional salt, if necessary, to taste. Make ahead and re-warm or keep warm until your fries are ready.For fries: When ready to cook, heat your oil in your deep fryer or large, wide, heavy cooking pot to 300° F.Add your fries to the 300°F oil and cook for 5-8 minutes, just until potatoes are starting to cook but are not yet browned. Remove potatoes from oil and scatter on a wire rack.To Prepare Poutine: Add your fried or baked fries to a large, clean bowl. Season lightly with salt while still warm. Add a ladle of hot poutine gravy to the bowl and using tongs, toss the fries in the gravy. Add more gravy, as needed to mostly coat the fries.Add the cheese curds and toss with the hot fries and gravy. Serve with freshly ground pepper. Serve immediately

source :

1. Tye dye T-shirts.

Tye dye white T-shirts in a matching color scheme with your kids. When the shirts are dried, have an inside photoshoot and post the photos to Instagram.

2. Color in a coloring book.

Coloring isn’t just for toddlers anymore! Snag an adult coloring book filled with intricate designs and some colored pencils and watch the minutes float on by.

3. Turn your latest family photos into a scrapbook.

Print out the photos from your latest family trip and compile it all into a memorable scrapbook that the family will cherish for years to come.

4. Make your own movie.

Using your smartphone, shoot a movie or re-create one using household props. Use editing software like iMovie to put it all together.

5. Create slime with your kids.

Keep your kids entertained for hours with just glue, eye contact solution, and food coloring. Look up the recipes for other slime variations to keep the fun going.

6. Read a book.

Dust off your favorite book and read it from cover-to-cover. If the book made it to the silver screen, watch the movie adaptation and make notes to compare!

7. Go on a walk.

The CDC says that walking outside is still allowed (and encouraged)! Just be mindful to keep a 6-foot distance between yourself and others.

8. Bake something sweet.

Nothing is more delicious than a fresh cookie out of the oven. Bake up a storm using classic recipes found online or be daring and create your own.

9. Complete a jigsaw puzzle.

Set up a little puzzle station in your living room and work on it between Netflix binges.

10. Play an instrument.

If it doesn’t bother your neighbors, pick up and learn a small instrument like the ukulele.

11. Learn a new language.

With free apps, like Duolingo, now is a great time to learn a foreign language for your next trip.

12. Start journaling.

Keeping a journal or a diary is a great way to navigate through tough feelings while also killing some time.

13. Pick up a new hobby.

Knitting and embroidery are an awesome way to bring a personal touch to your wardrobe and home decor. Check out some YouTube tutorials on what the perfect stitch is for a circle scarf.

14. Play an old game from your childhood.

Whether it’s a board game like Clue or a video game like Kingdom Hearts, playing a childhood favorite game will not only kill some time but also bring back some serious childhood nostalgia.

15. Organize your house.

Make like Marie Kondo and spark some joy by reorganizing your closets and de-cluttering your surroundings.

16. Make mixed playlists.

With music sharing apps like Spotify or Pandora, create your own personalized playlists and share them with friends.

17. Perfect an old family recipe.

Does your family have a recipe that’s been passed down for generations? Take this time to learn and perfect it so all your relatives will say it’s better than grandma’s by Christmas.

18. Learn a tabletop role-playing game.

Back in the day, games like Dungeons and Dragons may have been only for nerds but, it turns out, it’s a great way to kill some time. All you need for the game are some dice, friends, and imagination.

19. Create your own signature cocktail.

If someone created a drink after you, what would be in it? Create it and make sure to put it on the menu at your next dinner party.

20. Order some takeout.

While many restaurants are closed for dine-in customers, many are still offering delivery and pickup options. Use apps like Seamless or Uber Eats to support your favorite local grub spot.

21. Have an indoor picnic.

Clear out the living room, set down a blanket, and make your own picnic lunch without having to step outside.

22. Pickle some veggies.

Slice some vegetables like cucumbers and onion and throw them in a mason jar filled with vinegar and seasonings. Seal the jar and let it sit for a while until your next barbecue for some pickled toppings.

23. Get some Christmas shopping done.

If you’re still having some stressful holiday-related flashbacks, why not tackle it early this year and make some headway on your 2020 Christmas list.

24. Write a gratitude list.

Remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel by counting your blessings. Use cute stationery or your favorite pen to make it extra special.

25. Cook an extravagant meal.

Have a date night at home inspired by the likes of Gordon Ramsey and Julia Child. Test your culinary skills by cooking an involved recipe like beef Wellington or coq au vin.

26. Have ice cream for dinner.

Create a little of your own sunshine by making every 5 year old’s dream come true: ice cream for dinner! Set up a sundae bar in your kitchen with various toppings and different flavors (don’t forget the whipped cream!).

27. Take a bubble bath.

In these tense times, a bubble bath can be a great way to unwind. Add a little aromatherapy with calming scents like lavender or jasmine to increase your zen.

28. Make a smoothie.

In long periods of downtime, it’s easy to mindlessly snack on junk food. Create a healthier alternative by mixing together your own frozen fruit concoction.

29. Read a New York Times Best Seller.

Find the New York Times Best Seller list from the year you were born. Choose the number one choice and see if it’s still timeless with age.

30. Watch all the “Best Picture” Oscar-winning films from the past decade.

See how these films stand out from the rest. Go through the Oscar’s Best Picture winner list, choose what stands out to you, and pop the popcorn.

31. Try some Pinterest hacks.

Go through your favorite Pinterest board and see what hacks you can do around the house. Make note of the ones that work.

32. Conduct your own wine tasting.

Open the bottles you have already in the house. Make up a story about the grapes and how they ended up turning into wine.

33. Work on your financial planning.

With breaking news changing from day-to-day, it may be a good time to go over your annual budget and see what needs to be adjusted.

34. Camp indoors.

Clear out the living room and build a fort or pitch a tent to bring some of the outdoors, inside! If you really want to go all out, roll out some sleeping bags and hang up some glow-in-the-dark stars for some sweet memories.

35. Interview your grandparents.

Give your grandparents a call and ask them all about their lives. Record the conversation using your phone.

36, Master your favorite drink.

Whether it’s Manhattan or a glass of old-fashioned lemonade, gather supplies and ingredients and craft it to perfection.

37. Take a virtual visit to the zoo.

Do you have a future wildlife expert living among you? Give the kids a lesson in zoology and see what the animals are up to by checking out the live cameras at the San Diego Zoo!

38. Visit the world with Google Earth.

Even though tickets for flights around the world are at an all-time low, it is strongly advised not to travel further than your own backyard. If adventure is calling your name, load up Google Earth, type in your dream destination, and give yourself a virtual tour.

39. Give yourself a mani/pedi.

Who needs the salon? Bust out your favorite color of polish and paint them to your heart’s content. Be sure to look at YouTube tutorials to learn how to do fun designs!

40. Learn a new style of dance.

Use this time to watch YouTube tutorials and learn how to boogie in different ways. Dancing like belly dancing and shuffling are great ways to stay in shape without the gym.

41. Marathon classic film series.

Transform your living room into a movie theater with popcorn and snacks and marathon classic films, like Star Wars or Back to the Future! Bonus points if you can come up with fun ways to watch the series in a different order.

42. Meditate.

Calm your mind by taking 10 minutes or more to meditate and quiet your thoughts. Browse through YouTube for some guided meditations or download apps like Headspace for some quick sessions.

43. Give yourself a makeover.

Face masks, moisturizers, and skincare galore! Treat yourself to a 10 step skincare routine and get your pamper on.

44. Feng shui your living room.

Give your furniture more of a role in your calm by researching the philosophy of feng shui and seeing what’s best for your home.

45. Buy gift cards online from your favorite neighborhood shops.

With uncertain times, most local businesses are being forced to close without knowing if they can re-open. Support your local neighborhood by buying gift certificates now and then use later.

46. Write a book with your family.

Have each family member create one character. Then have one person start by writing a chapter, then hand to the next person to write chapter two, and so forth. Continue until the story ends!

47. Conduct a Scrabble tournament.

With March Madness canceled, conduct your own Scrabble tournament with your family. Have your kids fill out brackets to predict the winner!

48. Host a virtual meet-up.

If quarantining has left you more distant than social, consider coordinating a video hangout with loved ones. Video sharing software like Zoom or Skype can be used to play online games with each other and extensions like Netflix Party can be used for a virtual movie night!

49. Write a letter.

Be like a heroine in a Jane Austin novel and write a letter by hand. Send it off to a loved one and wait for a response.

50. Sleep.

Even if you’re not feeling sick, one of the best ways to give your immune system a boost during this pandemic is loads and loads of rest. Being sleep deprived can weaken your immunity cells and increase your chances of getting sick. Taking a quick nap whenever you’re looking to pass the time can give your immune system a fighting chance.

Louis loves everyone! no matter who you are! even if you are a minority! louis loves lgbtqia+ , louis loves pocs, louis loves muslims, louis loves everyone no matter what your physics look like!


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